Open show 28th September 2024 Critique

Southern Golden Retriever Society

Open show

28th September 2024

My thanks to the Society for the kind invitation to judge Golden Retrievers at this friendly show.

The hospitality was greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Mandy, my steward, for keeping the ring running smoothly

As a non-breed specialist I judged the dogs on breed conformation and movement, “ Symmetrical, balanced, active, powerful, level mover “ – coat colour, as long as it is any shade of gold or cream is of little importance to me.

All exhibits were well presented and I thank the exhibitors for the chance to ‘go over’ their lovely dogs.

Veteran Dog

1st Mapelrose All Tuckered Out,  An 8 year old in superb muscle condition, he is of a good size, very masculine quite strong throughout with plenty of bone. Head of good width, moderate length to the ears. Strong muzzle and excellent teeth, has a good length of neck into well laid shoulders,  short coupled and a good tail set, straight front with very good rear angulation. Moved really well.

Puppy Dog

1st Leighsham The Cheeky Elf. A Very promising young male, lovely expression with good eye shape and correct ears and ear carriage. He has the correct bone and feet. Good reach of neck he has a well- placed shoulders with correct angle of upper arm, well- made body and the tailset is correct.

On the move he was sound and true but he does need a big ring to show off his reach and drive.

Best Dog Puppy

Junior Dog

1st Brekswood Gentleman Jack,  This boy was the star of the day and didn’t put a foot wrong. Super head, eye and ears, which are well placed, all of which gives a soft yet alert expression. Clean and muscular neck leading into well laid shoulders, deep in chest, short loin which was held firm on the move, tail well set on with enough behind, super straight front and very good rear angulation, he has a lovely flowing movement and covers the ground well and is true in all directions. He excels in profile movement, I was pleased to award him Best Dog and BIS.

2nd Ballybarkin Jack Daniels At Maplerose. This boy gives the impression of strength. Good overall balance with correct length to height ratio. Head of good proportions. Level topline. Well- made hindquarters. Moved freely but could be more positive in front movement.

3rd Tonara Yellowstone,  Pleasing head proportions, nice eye and expression, clean neck and shoulders, enough bone, body strong, good quarters, moved ok.

Yearling Dog

1st Ballybarkin Jack Daniels At Maplerose. Repeat from Junior , he moved much better in this class showing true front movement and reach and drive.

2nd Van Gogh Of Sunshine’s Valley With Toddrosa (imp Bel). JW. Good size with the required strength and substance. Pleasing head, with a soft expression. Good reach of neck set in well placed shoulders, very deep in chest. Not the strength in hindquarters of the winner.

Undergraduate Dog

1st Van Gogh Of Sunshine’s Valley With Toddrosa (imp Bel). JW. – Repeat

Graduate Dog

1st Cinderbank Move It. JW.  A very good moving young man, with a pleasing head, who covered the ground freely showing a firm topline. Lovely bone and in fabulous coat.

2nd Berrymeade Kilternan Of Bushyhall. SGWC, Very typey, not quite the bone or strength of 1st. Attractive, typical head and kindly expression. Unfortunately he was out of coat today. Moved soundly when he settled.

Post Graduate Dog

1st Cinderbank Move It. JW. – Repeat

Limit Dog

1st Rosinante Major Hero, quite a character! Masculine head correct ear carriage, good reach of neck shoulders well placed with good upper arm, he has a good spring of rib and correct topline., he is well angled in hindquarters with short hocks. Moves soundly and covers the ground well. Res Best Dog


1st Rosinante Major Hero – Repeat

Baby Puppy Bitch

1st Waveneymist Happisburgh. 5 months old and such a charmer. Sweetest of heads with super pigmentation. Beautifully proportioned body, with enough strength and bone for her age. On the move she really enjoyed herself with her non-stop wagging tail.

Veteran Bitch

1st Summeramba Twizzle At Cherrimar. 7 year old of lovely breed type. Very good head, strong neck. Sound forehand, excellent body with correct topline and croup. Good depth of chest and strong loin. Very good movement both out and back and in profile. I liked her a lot, Best Bitch, RBIS and Best Veteran In Show.

2nd Benrowan Esprit. 7 year old not showing her age at all. Lovely balanced head with a kind expression. Slightly longer in loin than 1st but carries her topline well. On the move she just lacked the drive of the winner .

3rd Carolake Remember Me JW, This pretty bitch took 3rd place due to her excellent breed type. Good construction throughout, very feminine head with beautiful dark eyes. She has a typical Goldie outline but today I felt she didn’t give her all on the move..

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st Marsabit Celtic Harp, A cracking girl, just 6 months old. She is feminine but has substance. She has the most beautiful head with good strength to the muzzle, bright and alert expression from well-shaped eyes. Ribbed well back with strong loin, good turn of stifle and well- muscled in rear. She has excellent reach fore and aft and flows effortlessly around the ring with a lashing tail. Put down in excellent condition. Just loved her!! Best Bitch Puppy and Best Puppy In Show.

2nd Gablecross Rose Quartz, Another quality puppy. Feminine head with a kind eye. Very well balanced all through. Clean outline with level topline and well-set tail. Well-made hindquarters. Not as positive as 1st on the move today but still has a good driving action.

3rd Maddie Furlando Lady Sabinka. Good height to length ratio to this feminine bitch. Pretty head, kind eye. Well sprung rib with short loin and level topline. Correct underline. Moved steadily.

Puppy Bitch

1st Brunwickes Style Sapphire, Feminine head with a kind eye. Very well balanced all through. Clean outline with level topline and well-set tail. Well-made hindquarters. Stands square all round. Moved steadily fore and aft and in profile.

2nd Rosgar Sparkling Love, Pleasing head. Beautifully balanced throughout. Well tucked in elbows, strong bone with tidy feet. Well sprung ribs with plenty of heart room. Level topline. Just preferred the profile movement of 1st.

3rd Maddie Furlando Lady Sabinka Repeat

Junior Bitch

1st Sunfern Celebrate Forever, Just love the ‘Joie de Vivre’ of this pretty girl. Has the most beautiful expression soft but with a glint of mischief. Moved fluidly and In fabulous coat.


Yearling Bitch

1st Fenpinque Pumpkin Charm, Presents a nicely balanced outline with a clean and muscular neck. Firm topline, deep brisket, well ribbed back, short well developed loin and tail of good set. Pleasing head with a kindly expression.ed out well when viewed coming and going and in profile.

2nd Sunfern Celebrate Forever Repeat

Maiden Bitch

1st Velarium Elsa Sparkle, Head well proportioned. Clean neck and good lay of shoulder. Well ribbed back. Strong hindquarters with moderate bend of stifle. Moved well with true action, she just tends to drop her topline on occasion.

2nd Rosgar Sparkling Love Repeat

Novice Bitch

1st Velarium Elsa Sparkle Repeat

2nd Rosgar Sparkling Love Repeat

3rd Cappakeel Bergamot, Reserve in the Puppy Bitch class, Not quite together at the moment, but plenty of promise for the future. Pleasing head with lovely kind expression, presented in good muscular condition

Undergraduate Bitch

1st Zannagold Follow The Sun At Bannersoph, Wow, can this girl move! Pleasing feminine head but I would prefer a bit more strength in muzzle. Lovely balance to her body, Super muscular condition which translated into effortless driving movement

Graduate Bitch

Best class of the day –

1st OusevaleAngel’s Kiss At Carianjo JW, Very showy young lady who possesses a beautifully balanced head with the softest of eye. Balanced body, deep chested, strong loin strong quarters which were used to advantage on the move. Reserve Best Bitch.

2nd Thornywait Starshine at Cherrimor, Pleasing girl with a lovely head shape. Liked her reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders. Well ribbed and short loin provided the outline wanted. She is well muscled, and this gave her drive on the move. Unfortunately she was out of coat today.

3rd Carolake Xmarks the Spot JW. Well balanced with a decent head. Presents a balanced outline. Level topline and well ribbed back. Well-made hindquarters. Moved steadily, although she needs a bigger ring to really get into her stride

Limit Bitch

1st Palizolla Polar Ice, Well made all through. Excellent head and expression with good pigmentation. Correct forehand construction. Well ribbed back leading through to correctly set tail and strong hindquarters. Good bone and feet. Good texture to coat. When she finally settled she moved well and displayed good open side gait when viewed in profile

Open Bitch

1st Toddrosa Oasis Charm JW, I just loved this sassy girl’s attitude to life. She has a pretty head, and a soft expressive eye. Ribbed well back with strong loin, good turn of stifle and well- muscled in rear. She has excellent reach fore and aft and flows effortlessly around the ring with a lashing tail. Built on strong lines but still feminine.


Christine Schofield