Judge: Daniel Slinkert
31st October 2010
Class 1. Special Agility (38)
1st Mrs A Smith: Hanans Karv-a
2nd Mr A Dormann: Harsett Tamar
3rd Mr Chirs Holmes: Campresse Weymouth Wonder
4th Mrs E Pope: Goldsmill Promises Chilzer
5th Mrs V Marsh: Chilzer Davy Jones
6th Mrs V Marsh: Goldsmill Relight My Fire
Class 2. Special Watson & Holmes Memorial Stakes Agility (34)
1st Mrs E Pope: Chilzer Chat Me Up
2nd Mrs E Pope: Goldsmill Promises Chilzer
3rd Miss S Tooley: Denicol Caitlin
4thMr A Dormann: Harsett Tamar
5thMrs V Marsh: Chilzer Davy Jones
6thMiss S Gale:Princess Perfect
Class 3. Special Jumping (38)
1st Mr A Dormann: Harsett Tamar
2nd Mrs G Burgess: Lady Carys
3rd Mrs E Pope: Goldsmill Promises Chilzer
4th Mr J Grzenkowicz:Safrron Silhouette
5th Mrs V Marsh: Chilzer Davy Jones
6th Mrs S Sparks:: Humbart Chesney
Class 4. Special Veteran Jumping (4)
1st Mrs K Payton: Kidston Halyard A.W.
2nd Mrs H Kimberley: Friendborn Chaos in Gold
3rd Mrs A Smith: Britannia Rusty
Class 5. Special All Heights (35)
1st Mrs A Smith: Hanans Rusty
2nd Mr J Grzenkowicz: Safrron Silhouette
3rd Mr J Grzenkowicz: Redrift Oh La La
4th Mrs E Pope: Torbreeze Take That To Chilzer
5th Miss S Gale: Princess Perfect
6th Mrs V Novak: Nembro Rosata
Class 4. Special Fun Pairs (31)
1st Miss S Gale: Princess Perfect and Mrs S Hinch: Cupids Harvey
2nd Mr J Grzenkowicz:Safrron Silhouette and Mr J Grzenkowicz: Redrift Oh La La
3rdMr & Mrs R Salt: Kenmilfore Shan and Mr M Brown: Maluraya Matisse
4th: Mrs G Burgess: Lady Carys and Mrs A Smith: Hanans Rusty
5th: Mrs Marsh: Chilzer Penelpope Pitstop & Mrs Skudder: Bellmoss Tea Lady
6th: Mrs S Lintott: Azteca April Delight and Mrs D Rose: Azteca Latest Flame