Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) - JEP
The JEP (Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) )Breed Education Coordinator is Penny Gowland and each Golden Retriever Club has its own Education Representative with delegated responsibilities to arrange seminars and mentoring sessions etc in the local area. For further advice regarding JEP events for the SGRS area, please contact: Hilary Male hilary_male@hotmail.com,
Up to date Guidance (as of 21st January 2023) regarding Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows)
The Breed Education Coordinator is Penny Gowland and each Golden Retriever Club has its own Education Representative with delegated responsibilities to arrange seminars and mentoring sessions etc in the local area.
For further advice, please contact:
Southern Golden Retriever Society
Breed Education Representative
Hilary Male – hilary_male@hotmail.com – Tel No 01903 767582
Breed Club judging lists
Clubs with effect from 1st January 2026 will no longer be required to maintain judging lists in the future as the Kennel Club will be publishing lists of judges, via its online Find A Judge facility.
The proposals include additional mandatory seminars.
Breed Appreciation Day
All breed clubs are required to hold a ‘Breed Appreciation Day’ (BAD) at least every two years from 1 January 2021.
JEP (BS) Level progression
Briefly the detail for each level is:
Level 1 Judge
- Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
- Attend a Conformation and Movement seminar hosted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
- Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
- Attend a Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and pass associated exam (either in person or online via Kennel Club Academy)
- Pass the Points of a Dog assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
A JEP Level 1 judge can only judge up to 3 classes (4 if one is a Puppy class) for any breed at Limited or Open Shows.
Level 2 Judge
First breed:
- Attended a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and pass a Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for the respective breed.
- View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz
- Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz.
Subsequent breeds:
- Attend a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and pass a Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for each breed. Note: Not mandatory for Group Judge for breeds in the group that they are not approved at Level 4, but attendance strongly recommended.
A JEP Level 2 judge can judge
- Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at Limited, Open or Championship Shows (no CC’s).
- Any Variety Classes, Groups and Best in Show Limited Shows.
Level 3
- Undergo minimum of 3 mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between first and third session
- Be observed judging at a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs.
- Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience in line with the stated requirements for the relevant Stud Book Band
- Complete remaining 10 days full day stewarding appointments (one-time qualification)
- Have owned/bred a minimum of 3 dogs when the obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances. (one-time qualification in which a judge awards CC’s).
- Attended the appropriate sub-group Field Trial/Open Gundog Working Test for first gundog breed or Ring Procedure at Licensed Shows (German Shepherd Dog Education Programme online exam (one time qualification)
A JEP Level 3 judge can judge:
- Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at Limited, Open or Championship Shows (no CC’s)
- Any Variety classes Group and Best in Show at Limited Show
Level 4 – CC Judge
- Attend and passed a Breed Specific Assessment for the specific breed run by the Kennel Club
A level 4 Judge can judge:
- Award Challenge Certificates in that respective breed.
- Any Variety classes, Groups and Best in Show at Open and Limited Shows
A list of BECs is available on the KC website at
Fill information about Judging at Dog Shows can be seen at the KC website at
A1 list
For persons who have previously been approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in the breed and have satisfactorily completed their first appointment. Nominees must have the support of the majority of the Judges Sub Committee.
A2 list
For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 list. Nominees must have the support of the majority of the Judges Sub Committee.
A3 list
The KC requirements are to have:
judged at open show level, at championship shows without CCs
a minimum of 250 dogs of the breed (in accordance with KC policy) over a period of 7 years (including 5 years in Golden Retrievers for non-breed specialists).
attended any Kennel Club Open/Novice Field Trial or an Open Gundog Working Test for the relevant gundog sub-group – Effective 1/1/2011
owned and/or bred a minimum of 3 Golden Retriever (or any breed for non-breed specialists) when they were first entered into the KC Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances).
stewarded for a minimum of 12 days.
for non-breed specialists, to award CCs in at least one other Breed and to have shown a genuine interest in Golden Retrievers.
For Breed Specialists:
Attended a seminar given by a KC Accredited Trainer for each of the following topics
Requirements of a Dog Show Judges (Rules and Regulations) and have passed the relevant exam. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Points of the Dog Assessment (Conformation and Movement “Hands on Assessment”) and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Conformation and Movement and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Attended at least one breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant KC Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable, but for Non Breed Specialists who Award CCs in at least three different breeds this is not applicable. (Copy certificate to be supplied) – Effective 1/7/2001
the support of the majority of the Judges Sub Committee.
B list
For Breed and Non-breed specialists, the requirements are to have:
Judged a minimum of 50 dogs.
Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs. **
For Breed Specialists:
Attended a seminar given by a KC Accredited Trainer for each of the following topics.
Requirements of a Dog Show Judges (Rules and Regulations) and have passed the relevant exam. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Points of the Dog Assessment (Conformation and Movement “Hands on Assessment”) and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Conformation and Movement and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Attended at least one breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant KC Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable, or have attended and passed a Breed Appreciation Day, but for Non Breed Specialists who Award CCs in at least three different breeds this is not applicable. (Copy certificate to be supplied) – Effective 1/7/2001
the support of the majority of the Judges Sub Committee.
C list
For Breed and Non-breed specialists, the requirements are to have:
Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs **
For Breed Specialists:
Attended a seminar given by a KC Accredited Trainer for each of the following topics.
Requirements of a Dog Show Judges (Rules and Regulations) and have passed the relevant exam. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Points of the Dog Assessment (Conformation and Movement “Hands on Assessment”) and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Conformation and Movement and have passed the assessment. (Copy certificate to be supplied).
Complete a minimum of 2 full day stewarding appointments **
** Existing CC judges are exempt from these elements of the criterion in order to be eligible for the Breed Clubs judging list.
Please contact Ann Stephenson if you require a typed copy of this list JUDGES ‘A1’ LIST |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MRS C ADKINS-FRY (BS) (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 07831 257969 | carolynfry@bedeslea.com |
MR D ALCORN (AR) | SOUTH LANARKSHIRE | 07719 407621 | davidralcorn@outlook.com |
MR A ALLEN (AR) | YORKSHIRE | 07889 452602 | allenie_junior@yahoo.com |
MRS L ANDERSON | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01757 210881 | lyn@linchael.plus.com |
MR P ANDERSON | DORSET | 01308 488057 | paulanderson35@btinternet.com |
MRS J ATKINSON (BS) (AR) | NORFOLK | 01379 608719 | kensalroag@btinternet.com |
DR R BARBOUR (BS) (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 01926 842178 | rb193@btinternet.com |
MR J BARNEY (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 07875 046762 | julien.barney@gmail.com |
MISS N BASSANT | HAMPSHIRE | 01252 621435 | nancybassant@googlemail.com |
MR D BELL (AR) | WORCESTSHIRE | 01299 403804 | balintyne@btinternet.com |
MRS C BENSON | CHESHIRE | 01925 766243 | goldenquest@btopenworld.com |
MRS P BEVIS (BS) (AR) | |||
MRS P BLAY (AR) | KENT | 01303 863570/07732 273705 | pam.blay@btinternet.com |
MRS B BODLE (AR) | LINCOLNSHIRE | 07541 230401 | kitarn12@outlook.com |
MR R BOTT (AR) | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01757 611265 | richardbott@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS J BRADWELL | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01904 738515 | beamsleygoldens@sky.com |
MR I BRIGGS | MANCHESTER | 0161 773 1104/07747 772346 | ianbriggs57@gmail.com |
MRS G BRODIE | WEST MIDLANDS | 0121 3513068 | chadzogr@yahoo.co.uk |
MR P BRODIE | WEST MIDLANDS | 0121 3513068 | chadzogr@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS L BUFTON | STAFFORDSHIRE | 01785 818281 | lynnbufton@live.co.uk |
MRS A CALLOW | SOMERSET | 01749 595030 | acallow06@aol.com |
MRS V CLARKE-GEAR | NORFOLK | 01953 548125 | ousevalevicky@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS F CLARKSON | SOUTH LANARKSHIRE | 01864 504286 | drumkiltygold@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS L COLE | |||
MRS C COODE (AR) | |||
MISS I CUTHILL | LANARKSHIRE | 01555 750300 | jea.cuthill@btconnect.com |
MR J DALTREY (AR) | KENT | 01634 364539 | jonathan@bananadance.com |
MR P DRURY | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 0115 849 9408 | bencoe@ntlworld.com |
MRS P EASTON | WILTSHIRE | 01225 754588 | pateaston@btconnect.com |
MRS P EDWARDS | MID GLAMGORGAN | 01443 206517/07899 992700 | lovehayne@outlook.com |
MRS J EWART | NORTHUMBERLAND | 07824 886934 | juliaewart@btinternet.com |
MS T EWART | CORNWALL | 07817 681151 | Barnsferry@gmail.com |
MRS A FALCONER | STAFFORDSHIRE | 01538 306043 | aefalconer@outlook.com |
MISS D FENN | SOUTH DEVON | 01626 355859 | debs.fenn@btinternet.com |
MRS E FISHER | BERKSHIRE | 07765 247495 | palizolla_efisher@hotmail.com |
MR G FOREMAN | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07879 451403 | garryforeman4@gmail.com |
MRS T FOREMAN | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07889 279668 | teresaforeman4@gmail.com |
MRS C FRENCH | HEREFORDSHIRE | 01989 568176/07891 377758 | caffimbragoldens@btinternet.com |
MR H FRYCKSTAND (BS) (AR) | SWEDEN | 0046 705 686 930 | henric@dewmist.com |
MRS G GARGAN | BERKSHIRE | 07900 504400 | gloriagargan3@gmail.com |
MR K GAWTHORPE (AR) | SOUTH YORKSHIRE | 07733 157961 | karlgawthorpe71@gmail.com |
MRS P GAYLER | HAMPSHIRE | 01425 620316 | allathigham@outlook.com |
MRS C GILBERT | SOMERSET | 01984 632542 | okusgold@me.com |
MISS I GLEN (AR) | SOUTH LANARKSHIRE | 07774 974723 | wilholme28@gmail.com |
MR G GOLDER | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 01487 830609 | summeramba@aol.com |
MRS S GOLDER | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 01487 830609 | summeramba@aol.com |
MRS P GOWLAND (BS) (AR) | SHROPSHIRE | 07970 860622 | pennygowland@btinternet. com |
MRS J GRIGGS | FLINTSHIRE | 01745 407597/07768 800136 | mulfieldgoldens@googlemail.com |
MRS A HAGGER | MIDDLESEX | 01895 258900 | Fairfieldgolden@aol.com |
MR G HARAN (AR) | NORTH AYRSHIRE | 07852 369263 | gordon@ayrshirewm.co.uk |
MR R HARE | |||
MRS L HARVEY MAJOR (BS) (AR) | HEREFORDSHIRE | 01600 890909 | linjorretrievers@gmail.com |
MRS C HENRY (BS) (AR) | LANARKSHIRE | 01555 812430 | tom.carol@btinternet.com |
MRS G HEWITSON | DEVON | 01237 477078 | glennishewitson@gmail.com |
MISS P HILL | GLOUCESTSHIRE | 07736 464111 | sandaula@googlemail.com |
MR J HORSWELL (AR) | DERBYSHIRE | 01509 674059 | jeff.horswell@virginmedia.com |
MR D HOWARTH (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 01524 222052 | arkview@aol.com |
MRS A HOWES (AR) | OXFORDSHIRE | 07885 442757 | dinihowes@gmail.com |
MRS S HUSH | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 01945 587242 | hush_family@yahoo.co.uk |
MR D HUTCHISON (BS) (AR) | KENT | 01322 408359/07740 406408 | davidhutchison116@virginmedia.com |
MISS A JAMES | WEST YORKSHIRE | 07782 223421 | amanda.star.arbonne@gmail.com |
DR R JAMES (AR) | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE | 01553 813754 | mail@rwjames.me.uk |
MISS B JOHNSON (AR) | SUFFOLK | 01638 750614 | downstreamfcr@hotmail.co.uk |
MS S JOLLY | LINCOLNSHIRE | 01522 751670 | kerrien@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS V JONES | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 01636 821416 | viv.jones@talktalk.net |
MR F KANE (AR) | YORKSHIRE | 01642 485895 | frank.kane71@btinternet.com |
MRS L KEENE (BS) (AR) | |||
MR G KIPPS | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01723 507813 | gordonkipps@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS L KIPPS | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01723 507813 | lynn@kipps.co.uk |
MR D LADE | KENT | 07833 686211 | Derek.lade@outlook.com |
MRS M LADE | |||
MR R LANE (BS) (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | 01564 823838 | bob@kulawand.com |
MRS S LANE (BS) (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | 01564 823838 | sandy@kulawand.com |
MRS P LANE-RIDYARD (BS) (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | 07779 380007 | penny@kulawand.com |
MISS L LAYLAND | DERBYSHIRE | 01530 272479 | lesleylayland@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS J LEES | SOMERSET | 01935 841563 | Denmarella@aol.com |
MRS P LEONARD | SUFFOLK | 01638 810397 | wynrita@yahoo.co.uk |
MS L LIST | LEICESTERSHIRE | 07873 602867 | haydengoldggg@gmail.com |
MRS K LITTLE | AYRSHIRE | 07590 633428 | krenmcfarlane21@gmail.com |
MRS S LOACH | WORCESTERSHIRE | 07930 578083 | putjade@aol.com |
MRS M LOVEROCK | WEST MIDLANDS | 01215 209957 | lovissa@hotmail.co.uk |
MR G MACKENZIE | ROSSHIRE | 01349 852277 | rr.mackenzie@btinternet.com |
MRS S MAGSON | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01729 823029 | sandra.magson@outlook.com |
MRS S MAIN | CORNWALL | 01637 830436 | gwyngala@sky.com |
MRS H MALE (BS) (AR) | WEST SUSSEX | 07957 384616 | hilary_male@hotmail.com |
MRS S MARSHALL (AR) | WEST YORKSHIRE | 01422 367399 | sandra.lowerdon@virgin.net |
MR M MCCUBBIN | CUMBRIA | 07810 536483 | contarretrievers14@gmail.com |
MISS M MCDONALD | WEST LOTHIAN | 07712 382406 | lamanchagoldens@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS W MCFARLANE | AYRSHIRE | 07850 261082 | wilmamcfarlane@hotmail.com |
MRS D MCGUGAN | AYRSHIRE | 01655 760394/07795 606681 | doreenmcgugan@aol.com |
MRS C MCSHANE | LANARKSHIRE | 07904 109663 | rigerin1001@gmail.com |
MRS H MELL | DERBYSHIRE | 01332 755184/07947 137342 | Meloak14@hotmail.com |
MISS J MERRICK | DEVON | 01395 264210 | julie.stormerick@aol.co.uk |
MRS J MILLER (AR) | LEICESTERSHIRE | 01455 220330 | feorlig@sky.com |
MR R MORRIS (AR) | GWENT | 01633 612326 | rjmorris12@btinternet.com |
MRS J MORRISSEY | KENT | 01233 732935 | janettemorrissey@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS H MORSS | HAMPSHIRE | 01252 850537 | heather@xanthos.co.uk |
MR R MOSEDALE (AR) | LEICESTERSHIRE | 01530 481080 | russellmosedale@hotmail.co.uk |
MR A MOSS (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 01704 839128 | alastaire@petparaphernalia.co.uk |
MRS A MOSS (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 01704 893128 | ann@petparapheralia.co.uk |
MISS M NEIL | DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY | 01556 504266 | molokome45@gmail.com |
MRS J NEILSON | LANARKSHIRE | 01555 880644 | neilsonjan@hotmail.com |
MR H NELSON (AR) | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 01636 706699 | byewaysuk@aol.com |
MRS S NORRIS | SURREY | 07936 753106 | grandma.dogs@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS A ORZEL (BS) (AR) | TAYSIDE | 01307 830378 | orzelbraxton@aol.com |
MR W ORZEL (BS) (AR) | TAYSIDE | 01307 830378 | orzelbraxton@aol.com |
MRS M PETT | KENT | 01795 844864 | mandy.pett@uwclub.net |
MRS W PICKUP | FLINTSHIRE | 01244 520073 | wendy@blenstone.net |
MRS E POPE | WEST SUSSEX | 01403 823300 | chilzers@gmail.com |
MISS S PORTER | DEVON | 07975 819321 | portersusan69@gmail.com |
MRS S POUNDS-LONGHURST | KENT | 01622 853682 | sue.poundslonghurst@gmail.com |
MR J RICHARDSON (BS) (AR) | RENFREWSHIRE | 01475 321335 | darrochonnax2@aol.com |
MRS S RILEY | STAFFORD | 07929 | wylloh1978@hotmail.com |
MRS D ROBBINS | WEST YORKSHIRE | 07743 023666 | deborah.robbins@live.co.uk |
MRS S ROSS | ESSEX | 01255 886326/07884 206114 | sokenlea@aol.com |
MRS D ROURKE-KNIGHTS | SUFFOLK | 01728 635758 | dianerourke-knights@hotmail.com |
MR A SCOTT (BS) (AR) | GREATER MANCHESTER | 0161 773 1104/07790 285297 | alistair@largymore.co.uk |
MRS J SEAMONS (BS) (AR) | NORFOLK | 07950 082139 | julie@messano.co.uk |
MR J SHAW | WEST YORKSHIRE | 01274 878423 | johnshaw550@btinternet.com |
MR D SHIELDS (AR) | SOUTH LANARKSHIRE | 07774 973723 | wilholme28@gmail.com |
MRS J SMALLCOMBE | ESSEX | 07929 153842 | robscraig1@gmail.com |
MRS L SMITH | LINCOLNSHIRE | 07854 328502 | louisegsmith@btinternet.com |
MRS R SMITH | KENT | 07970 882779 | rosgar257@gmail.com |
MRS A STEPHENSON (BS) (AR) | SURREY | 01276 471064 | asteph33@aol.com |
MRS D STEWART RITCHIE (AR) | COUNTY ARMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND | 07740 679808 | gwendariff@gmail.com |
MR R STRUDWICK (BS) (AR) | SURREY | 01483 827122 | ray.strudwick@ntlworld.com |
MRS B TAYLOR | HAMPSHIRE | 01264 338547 | tannadice6@gmail.com |
MR D TAYLOR | COUNTY DURHAM | 0191 584 7813 | taylor51@sky.com |
MR J TAYLOR | HAMPSHIRE | 01264 338547 | tannadice6@gmail.com |
MRS J TAYLOR | COUNTY DURHAM | 0191 584 7813 | taylor51@sky.com |
MRS M TAYLOR | DEVON | 07909 915267 | goldrealm1@aol.com |
MRS Z THORN ANDREWS (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | zenadrakesleat@btinternet.com | |
MR B THURM (BS) (AR) | COUNTY DURHAM | 01207 528843 | benthurm@hotmail.oc.uk |
MRS F THURM (BS) (AR) | COUNTY DURHAM | 01207 528843 | fiona@thurm.co.uk |
MRS L TOOTH (AR) | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 01623 400625 | ludalorlabs@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS S TOWERS | COUNTY DURHAM | 01325 321768 | davidtowers@sky.com |
MISS R TURNER | WILTSHIRE | 01225 759405 | amilone@mac.com |
MRS D VERNON | WEST YORKSHIRE | 07730 407301 | Deborah.vernon@sjpp.co.uk |
MRS M WADDELL (AR) | NORTH AYRSHIRE | 01505 685539 | magregorgundogs@aol.com |
MS F WALKER | PEEBLESHIRE | 07854 045218 | fawalker@sky.com |
MRS J WARD (AR) | WEST YORKSHIRE | 01132 526560/07714 826778 | jacqueline-ward1@sky.com |
MR E WEBSTER (BS) (AR) | ROXBURGHSHIRE | 07769 648482 | |
MRS S WEBSTER | ROXBURGHSHIRE | 07769 648482 | |
MR F WHYTE (AR) | DUMFRIESSHIRE | 07775 701057 | frankwhyte.kazval@yahoo.com |
MISS BETHAN WILLIAMS (BS) (AR) | MID GLAMORGAN | 07576 327815 | trebettyngoldens@gmail.com |
MRS J WILLIAMS (BS) (AR) | MID GLAMGORGAN | 01443 676349 | trebettyn@hotmail.com |
MRS P WILLIAMS (AR) | STAFFORDSHIRE | 01543 473220 | bournehouse@googlemail.com |
MR T WILLMITT | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 01748 818623 | trevor.willmitt@talktalk.net |
MRS P WILSON | ESSEX | 01255 880321 | pearlbarn.pauline@gmail.com |
MRS P WOODEN | HEREFORDSHIRE | 01981 251967 | pamandkim2@outlook.com |
MRS M WOODS | DURHAM | 01388 835112 | margaret.woods6@btinternet.com |
MR C WOODWARD (AR) | SOUTH YORKSHIRE | 01709 896663/07894 401124 | colinwoodward@talktalk.net |
MR K A W YOUNG (BS) (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 01926 336480 | keithawyoung@aol.com |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MRS L HALLGARTH (AR) | LINCOLNSHIRE | 01724 733523 | chapelmanorlabs@tiscali.co.uk |
MR M MASTERS (AR) | SOMERSET | 07779 970631 | manchela89@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS W REEVES | SUFFOLK | 01842 810288 | rheincroftgoldens@outlook.com |
MRS L ROBINSON | NORTHUMBERLAND | 07765 705264 | lesley_robinson@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS A SCUTCHER (AR) | ESSEX | 01255 871489 | winsleywood@gmail.com |
MS D WARRINGTON | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 07708 342000 | hopeddscj@btinternet.com |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MISS N BARBER | NORFOLK | 01493 754496 | nadinebarber@btinternet.com |
MRS P BUTLER-HOLLEY (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | ROXBURGHSHIRE | 07850 419204 | pat@shandwick.org.uk |
MRS N CALVERT (AR) | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 07866 593153 | calvadalespringers@live.co.uk |
MRS J CLARKE – KC Grandfather Approved | DORSET | 01202 675049 | jm.clarke@live.co.uk |
MISS D CREANEY – KC Grandfather Approved | BEDFORDSHIRE | 07753 677727 | camestone4@gmail.com |
MS D CRUTTWELL – KC Grandfather Approved | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 07711 177888 | dianaclaire401@gmail.com |
MR C EDWARDS | HEREFORDSHIRE | 01497 847633 | colineedwards53@gmail.com |
MRS J EYEINGTON (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 01354 693358 | jane@meadowdale.co.uk |
MISS N FARQUHARSON (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | DUNDEE | 01382 451916 | fhinnonlach19@btinternet.com |
MRS M FOSDIKE (NEE SAARNIIT) – KC Grandfather Approved | WILTSHIRE | 07748 358471 | maria@meiepere.ee |
MRS J GANNAWAY JONES | LANCASHIRE | 01704 231963 | jan@scarisbrickgoldens.co.uk |
MR T GORRIAN (BS) (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | LANARKSHIRE | 01555 812430 | tom.gorrian@btinternet.com |
MR T GRAHAM (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | CUMBRIA | 01229 464203 | nyliram.gundogs@talktalk.net |
MRS A HARVEY – KC Grandfather Approved | LANCASHIRE | 01704 808621 | alison.shebelta@gmail.com |
MS M HASELDEN- KC Grandfather Approved | OXFORDSHIRE | 01865 301816 | overdene@btinternet.com |
MR L HUNT (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | HAMPSHIRE | 01590 610238 | laurence.hunt2@btinternet.com |
MRS LAIDLAW-GOOD – KC Grandfather Approved | FIFE | 07799 902071 | jen-good@hotmail.com |
MRS J MACDONALD – KC Grandfather Approved | AYRSHIRE | 07590 633428 | jennifermacd64@icloud.com |
MRS R MARTIN (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | HEREFORDSHIRE | 01568 708303 | ruth@sunhousegundogs.co.uk |
MISS S MCCORMACK – KC Grandfather Approved | GLASGOW | 07752 4183324 | sharon.j.mccormack@gmail.com |
MR R MCDONALD (AR) | HERTFORDSHIRE | 07857 824075 | roanjora@roanjora.co.uk |
MRS C MOFFAT (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | CO DURHAM | 07714 014887 | kyleca1966@outlook.com |
MRS P O’GORMAN – KC Grandfather Approved | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07733 630277 | info@berrymeadegoldens.co.uk |
MRS C OLDRING – KC Grandfather Approved | LEICESTERSHIRE | 07805 805408 | carol.oldring@gmail.com |
MRS J PEAK (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07515 674482 | jill@bayardbeagles.co.uk |
MR M REES (AR) – KC Grandfather Approved | SOUTH GLOUCESTSHIRE | 07716 752734 | martynjrees@btinternet.com |
MRS V ROBERTSHAW – KC Grandfather Approved | WEST YORKSHIRE | 07812 193926 | akenscales@yahoo.vo.uk |
MISS A SHARP | WESTS MIDLANDS | 01922 416884 | oscar260897@sky.com |
MR A TRINDER – KC Grandfather Approved | BEDFORDSHIRE | 07507 831598 | ants_trinder@icloud.com |
MR M WHEELDON – KC Grandfather Approved | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 01223 891534 | marcwheeldon@gmail.com |
MISS BEKKI WILLIAMS – KC Grandfather Approved | MID GLAMORGAN | 07576 015144 | bekki89@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS L WILLIAMS | POWYS | 07527 412650 | pantegparishgoldens@hotmail.co.uk |
MR S WILLIAMSON | ANGUS | 07564 429423 | scott.williamson77.sw@gmail.com |
MR N WORTH (AR) – KC Approved | SWANSEA | 01792 795382 | sarabande.wss@gmail.com |
MRS D YOUNGSON – KC Grandfather Approved | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 01909 724116 | youngsondawn@gmail.com |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MISS A ADSHEAD | DENBIGHSHIRE | 07950 448259 | alex_adshead@hotmail.com |
MRS T AYLING-JONES | MERSEYSIDE | 07910 057589 | aylingjones@blueyonder.co.uk |
MRS K BAMBROOK | WARWICKSHIRE | 01789 842088 | c.bambrook@sky.com |
MRS R BARNEY (AR) | NORFOLK | 07983 512464 | rachel.barney@icloud.com |
MRS F BELL | NORTHRUMBRIA | 07989 692497 | fionabell21@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS T BEST | MERSEYSIDE | 07764 575483 | ellyest@virginmedia.com |
MRS Y BILLOWS (AR) | CHESHIRE | 07989 343570 | yvonnebillows@btinternet.com |
MR H BISHOP (AR) | CARMARTHENSHIRE | 07712 222375 | hd2bish@btinternet.com |
MRS S BOWDEN-STACEY | WILTSHIRE | 07525 842924 | markandstacey1@virginmedia.com |
MRS E BRADLEY (AR) | SOUTH YORKSHIRE | 07796 132946 | laineyviz@gmail.com |
MRS S BREWER | DORSET | 07754 813444 | susan.brewer36@btinternet.com |
MRS Y BURCHELL (AR) | HAMPSHIRE | 07913 658012 | tivalake@gmail.com |
MRS E A CAMINADE-LAVAULT (AR) | CHESHIRE | 07572 168699 | elizabetacl@gmail.com |
MR E CASEY (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 07727 185962 | edcasey8@gmail.com |
MRS B DUMMETT (AR) | LINCOLNSHIRE | 01529 304670 | bev@americancocker.com |
MR G ERVING | MERSEYSIDE | 0151 226 2557 | g.erving@ymail.com |
MRS T GARDNER (AR) | YORKSHIRE | 07891 039310 | Solomanmax@yahoo.co.uk |
MS M GRADY | WEST LOTHIAN | 07832 088520 | glenrioch@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS G GREIG | ABERDEENSHIRE | 07967 219929 | gail.greig@btinternet.com |
MRS T GRIME (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07836 720185 | tricia@ansona.co.uk |
MRS V GRINDEY | STAFFORDSHIRE | 07908 843061 | vikkigrindey@gmail.com |
MISS L HARPER | RENFREWSHIRE | 07714 671760 | lesleyamather@btinternet.com |
MRS S HAYWARD | HEREFORDSHIRE | 07837 967834 | sally24@btinternet.com |
MRS C HILL | KENT | 07792 211990 | rosgar257@gmail.com |
MRS J HOLGATE (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 01282 865705 | jill_holgate@yahoo.co.uk |
MISS K HURRY | CAMBRIDGSHIRE | 07725 332235 | kate.westlodge@gmail.com |
MISS A IVES | GLOUCESTERSHIRE | 07713 190121 | anneliives@icloud.com |
MRS K JENKINSON (AR) | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 07581 083008 | kelly.jenkinson@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS KATIE KELLY | IRELAND | 00353 894 133129 | kerriekelly01@yahoo.co.uk |
MISS KERRIE KELLY | IRELAND | 00353 894 133129 | kerriekelly01@yahoo.co.uk |
MISS M LEWIS | DEVON | 07709 566888 | lewismeaylee@gmail.com |
MRS J MILLARD (AR) | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07851 153016 | jennyfairhall@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS C MOORE (AR) | DENBIGHSHIRE | 07463 313933 | gadhelic1@yahoo.com |
MRS C MORGAN (AR) | WEST YORKSHIRE | 01709 760124 | morgan@thechrisses.co.uk |
MR J NEWTON (AR) | |||
MR M ODDIE (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07708 120756 | mattoddie@btinternet.com |
MR S O’GORMAN | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07966 943385 | info@berrymeadegoldens.co.uk |
MR R PERKINS (AR) | FLINTSHIRE | 07500 292804 | roger_p@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS V POILE | KENT | 07860 658651 | torpoile@hotmail.com |
MRS A PRICE | WORCESTERSHIRE | 07885 499606 | anniturtonprice@gmail.com |
MRS C PROWSE | WILTSHIRE | 07474 404409 | contoul@btinternet.com |
MRS J REYNOLDS | CORNWALL | 07733 236012 | benoveor@outlook.com |
MR G ROBERTSON (AR) | OXFORDSHIRE | 07787 526576 | gavinpbgv@gmail.com |
MRS K RYAN (AR) | LEICESTERSHIRE | 07754 254277 | kirsty.miller@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS C SCHOFIELD (AR) | DERBYSHIRE | 01246 418624 | diva2@sky.com |
MRS S SEVASTOPULO (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | 01905 452070 | oldholbans@hotmail.com |
MRS T SHEPHERD | LANCASHIRE | 01995 603022 | traceyshep67@aol.com |
MR N SMALL (AR) | DEVON | 07866 442268 | nigesmall@yahoo.co.uk |
MISS N SPENCER (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07710 495256 | bannonbrig@gmail.com |
MRS S STABLES | ISLE OF WIGHT | 01983 531604 | stables5979@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS S STEVENSON (AR) | DUMFRIES | 07703 773195 | steelriverfcrs@aol.com |
MR N STRAW (AR) | DEVON | 01803 540232 | neilstraw26@outlook.com |
MR D TELFORD (AR) | ESSEX | 07948 894774 | dougtelford@hotmail.com |
MR H THOMSON | RENFREWSHIRE | 07930 926803 | hughthomson1@aol.com |
MRS S THORPE | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 07971 881818 | sarahthorpe42@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS S TUBB | WEST SUSSEX | 01903 770408 | tubbas78@btinternet.com |
MRS L WEDGE | HERTFORDSHIRE | 07791 961990 | lindsay.wedge@googlemail.com |
MR M WHITLOCK | BRISTOL | 07795 194677 | mark_whitlock1950@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS J WHITWORTH (AR) | WEST SUSSEX | 07581 342745 | judiwhitworth1@outlook.com |
MISS K WILLIAMS | HERTFORDSHIRE | 07946 883444 | karenjwilliams@ntlworld.com |
MRS S WILLIAMS (AR) | DERBYSHIRE | 07768 092128 | wilmerella@googlemail.com |
MRS T WILLIAMSON | ANGUS | 07546 138372 | tina.williamson2015@gmail.colm |
MRS D WYLDE | BERKSHIRE | 01189 313396 | d.wylde@live.co.uk |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MISS D APLIN | DORSET | 01305 458645 | newfy1201@gmail.com |
MRS T BOYLES (AR) | ARGYLL | 07821 674619 | tracy@bleyos.co.uk |
MRS M CHALK | LEICESTER | 01509 266587 | maria.chalk@btconnect.com |
MRS C FRIEND REES (AR) | MID GLAMORGAN | 07880 543425 | carolinehrees@aol.com |
MRS T KINCHELLA | ESSEX | 07795 845622 | tracey.kinchella@gmail.com |
MISS J LIGGINS | CHESHIRE | 07811 209625 | jodieliggins@icloud.com |
MRS G J LILLEY (AR) | WEST SUSSEX | 01403 822222 | gj.lilley@btinternet.com |
MRS A MOON (AR) | KENT | 01622 744334 | ann-moon@talktalk.net |
MISS R MOSS | ESSEX | 07951 486416 | rosiemoss2007@gmail.com |
MISS S NICOLL | CORNWALL | 07974 323894 | antrethwelshies@gmail.com |
MRS L THOROGOOD (AR) | KENT | 01622 891211 | ljtharrifield@btinternet.com |
MRS S THORPE | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 07971 881818 | sarahthorpe42@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS D TRANQUADA (AR) | LONDON | 07545 190392 | armeiro@ntlworld.com |
MRS J VENTURI-ROSE (AR) | HAMPSHIRE | 01428 751125/07811 038395 | joyventuri.rose@btinternet.com |
MRS K WALLIS | WEST LOTHIAN | 07925 345049 | katrina.wallis100@googlemail.com |
Name | County | Telephone Contact | Email Contact |
MISS A ADSHEAD | DENBIGHSHIRE | 07950 448259 | alex_adshead@hotmail.com |
MRS A ADSHEAD | DENBIGHSHIRE | 07598 422830 | afonbach@gmail.com |
MISS M ANDERSON | ROXBOROUGHSHIRE | 07710 455055 | megan.anderson0709@gmail.com |
MR I ANTHONY | GLAMORGAN | 01639 897888 | anthhth@aol.com |
MRS J BATEMAN (AR) | HAMPSHIRE | 0034 621263 133 | julia@cormallen.co.uk |
MISS T BEST (BS) | MERSEYSIDE | 07764 575483 | ellyest@virginmedia.com |
MRS Y BILLOWS (AR) | CHESHIRE | 07989 343570 | yvonnebillows@btinternet.com |
MRS J BOOTH | DERBYSHIRE | 07979 016492 | janefbooth@icloud.com |
MRS T BOYLES (AR) | ARGYLL | 07821 674619 | tracy@bleyos.co.uk |
MRS E BRADLEY (AR) | SOUTH YORKSHIRE | 07796 132946 | laineyviz@gmail.com |
MR G BROWN | NORTH WARWICKSHIRE | 07767 247477 | gareth1967@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS Y BURCHELL (AR) | HAMPSHIRE | 07913 658012 | tivalake@gmail.com |
MISS R BYERS (BS) | COUNTY DOWN | 07860 805425 | balibeaugoldens@gmail.com |
MRS J BYRNE (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07774 782643 | enrybgundogs@gmail.com |
MRS J CAMERON (AR) | EAST RENFREWSHIRE | 07535 031814 | kasprowy@btinternet.com |
MRS E CAMINADE-LAVAULT | CHESHIRE | 07572 168699 | elizabetacl@gmail.com |
MRS J CHAN (BS) | MONMOUTHSHIRE | 07711 482065 | jackiechan28@btinternet.com |
MISS K CLUNIE (BS) | DEVON | 07968 048451 | warrentorkim@yahoo.co.uk |
MR B CROCKER (AR) | SOMERSET | 07824 776757 | crockerblake@aol.com |
MR G DENVER | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 00 49 0157 3639 6068 | garethdenver@live.co.uk |
MR R DUNLOP (AR) | AYRSHIRE | 07921 132110 | habibarobert@aol.com |
MRS T DUNSDON (AR) | KENT | 01304 827232 | seaspringess@btinternet.com |
MR N EGGINGTON (AR) | DERBYSHIRE | 07710 045782 | Nigel@isok.co.uk |
MR G ERVING (BS) | MERSEYSIDE | 0151 226 2557 | g.erving@ymail.com |
MISS E EVANS | PEMBROKESHIRE | 07444 859518 | eminalalabs@gmail.com |
MRS A FIELDSEND (AR) | LINCOLNSHIRE | 07762 416812 | angie@brandycarr.co.uk |
MRS C FRIEND REES (AR) | MID GLAMORGAN | 07880 543425 | carolinehrees@aol.com |
MR R FURNELL (AR) | NORFOLK | 07800 575421 | bebecova@outlook.com |
DR I GABRIEL (AR) | LONDON | 07825 448725 | ian.gabriel@chelwest.nhs.uk |
MRS T GARDNER (AR) | YORKSHIRE | 07891 039310 | Solomanmax@yahoo.co.uk |
MR K GREENLAND (AR) | HAMPSHIRE | 07768 605595 | Krys.greenland@googlemail.com |
MRS V GRINDEY | STAFFORDSHIRE | 07908 843061 | vikkigrindey@gmail.com |
MRS T GRIME (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07836 720185 | tricia@ansona.co.uk |
MRS V GRINDEY | STAFFORDSHIRE | 07908 843061 | vikkigrindey@gmail.com |
MRS J HOLGATE (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 01282 865705 | jill_holgate@yahoo.co.uk |
MR G HUGHES (AR) | NORTH AYRSHIRE | 07831 761175 | g.hughes@flannerplant.co.uk |
MISS D INETT (AR) | WORCESTERSHIRE | 07484 224192 | dawn@thedoghouseworcester.co.uk |
MISS A IVES (BS) | GLOUCESTERSHIRE | 07713 190121 | annelliives@icloud.com |
MRS N JACKSON | CUMBRIA | 07597 940124 | nataliejackson12@btinternet.com |
MR A KEHOE | MERSEYSIDE | 07415 115186 | aarron.kehoe@gmail.com |
MR J KELLY (AR) | WARWICKSHIRE | 07763 233792 | jameskelly40@aol.com |
MRS H KERFOOT (AR) | CHESHIRE | 07900 927413 | helen@abydachs.co.uk |
MISS K KERRY (BS) | IRELAND | 00 353 86 352 6588 | katiemai01kelly@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS A KIDDELL | SUFFOLK | 07904 303048 | hameldowntor@outlook.com |
MRS T KINCHELLA | ESSEX | 07795 845622 | tracey.kinchella@gmail.com |
MR M LEWIN (AR) | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 07986 217437 | mikeglewin@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS C LEWIS (AR) | HERTFORDSHIRE | 07914 854731 | clairelewis27@icloud.com |
MRS J LIGGINS | CHESHIRE | 07811 209625 | jodieliggins@icloud.com |
MRS S LOAKES (AR) | OXFORDSHIRE | 07555 980158 | sarahgoldbirch@gmail.com |
MR S LUXMOORE (AR) | NORFOLK | 07500 771070 | simoncluxmoore@gmail.com |
MRS P LUXMOORE-BALL (AR) | NORFOLK | 07775 770212 | paulineluxmooreball@gmail.com |
MRS S MAY | |||
MRS R MCARDLE | CORNWALL | perrangold@gmail.com | |
MRS J MILLARD (AR) | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07851 153016 | jennyfairhall@yahoo.co.uk |
MISS E MITCHELL (AR) | NORTHUMBERLAND | 07921 511806 | emilymitchell_84@hotmail.com |
MISS M MORRISON (AR) | WEST SUSSEX | 01903 239039 | ckcs.lewisisle@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS M MORTON | MID LOTHIAN | 07707 060475 | wistonlea@gmail.com |
MISS R MOSS | ESSEX | 07951 486416 | rosiemoss2007@gmail.com |
MR J NEWTON (AR) | |||
MRS L NICHOLAS | NORTHANTS | 07887 556690 | lynda@main49.co.uk |
MISS S NICOLL | CORNWALL | 07974 323894 | antrethwelshies@gmail.com |
MR D NIGHTINGALE (AR) | SHROPSHIRE | 01584 890706 | bictonpool@hotmail.com |
MR M ODDIE (AR) | LANCASHIRE | 07708 120756 | mattoddie@btinternet.com |
MR S O’GORMAN (BS) | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07966 943385 | info@berrymeadegoldens.co.uk |
MR D OWEN (AR) | LONDON | 07540 843492 | derfelowen@yahoo.co.uk |
MRS S PALMER (BS) | NORTH LANARKSHIRE | 07833 085121 | swhite30@sky.com |
MRS J PARADISE (AR) | GLOUCESTERSHIRE | 07718 671640 | jane@shardlow-squad.co.uk |
MR S PAYNE (AR) | AYRSHIRE | 07958 039682 | habibastuart@gmail.com |
MRS C PERKINS (AR) | FLINTSHIRE | 07824 993959 | colette.p@hotmail.co.uk |
MR R PERKINS (AR) | FLINTSHIRE | 07500 292804 | roger_p@hotmail.co.uk |
MISS V POILE (BS) | KENT | 07860 658651 | torpoile@hotmail.com |
MRS C PROWSE (BS) | WILTSHIRE | 07474 404409 | contoul@btinternet.com |
MRS J REYNOLDS | CORNWALL | 07733 236012 | benoveor@outlook.com |
MISS L RICHARDSON (AR) | AYRSHIRE | 07928 300031 | linzie.richardson@hotmail.co.uk |
MR G ROBERTSON (AR) | OXFORDSHIRE | 07787 526576 | gavinpbgv@gmail.com |
MRS M ROMEO-DIESTE (AR) | LEICESTERSHIRE | 07843 445769 | hopevalley@virginmedia.com |
MRS M SARGENT (AR) | LEICESTERSHIRE | 01530 249904 | tegwani@aol.co.uk |
MR N SMALL | DEVON | 07866 442268 | nigesmall@yahoo.co.uk |
MR D SMITH (AR) | LONDON | 07771 802045 | david.ferris75@gmail.com |
MR M SPRY | WEST GLAMORGAN | 07772 988957 | mathewspry@hotmail.co.uk |
MR G STEELE | BANFFSHIRE | 01542 841204 | gerald.steele56@icloud.com |
MISS S STEVENSON (AR) | DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY | 07703 773195 | steelriverfcrs@aol.com |
MR C STOKES | LANARKSHIRE | 07949 908682 | stokesey67@icloud.com |
MRS M STOKES (AR) | DORSET | 07747 676833 | woof@thegroomery.co.uk |
MRS L TANTON-JOY | DEVON | 07446 244052 | libbytj1104@gmail.com |
MRS L TARABAD (AR) | CAMBRIDGESHIRE | 07984 803253 | leilatarabad@hotmail.com |
MR D TELFORD (AR) | ESSEX | 07948 894774 | dougtelford@hotmail.com |
MRS S THORPE | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | 07971 881818 | sarahthorpe42@hotmail.co.uk |
MRS D TRANQUADA (AR) | KENT | 07545 190392 | armeiro@ntlworld.com |
MRS S TUBB (BS) | WEST SUSSEX | 07714 614016 | tubbas78@btinternet.com |
MRS K WALLIS (BS) | WEST LOTHIAN | 07925 345049 | katrina.wallis100@googlemail.com |
MRS J WEYMAN (AR) | KENT | 07986 944098 | jackie.weyman@btinternet.com |
MRS J WHITWORTH (AR) | WEST SUSSEX | 07581 342745 | judiwhitworth1@outlook.com |
MISS E WILLIAMS (BS) | NORTH YORKSHIRE | 07444 502927 | erynlouisewilliams@icloud.com |
MRS S WRAY-RAMSDEN (AR) | LINCOLNCSHIRE | 01205 722321 | sophie@takhisis.co.uk |